I have too many toothbrushes

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Check out Pipewire, which is the modern standard of linux audio

    I do not have the same requirements than you, but in audio production I can route anything in any which way I need (useful for switching monitoring or sources), and I did once plug an eq to my movie player because some ripped movie was really sounding bad

    There are tons of VSTs available, too

    There’ll be research to do, and a learning curve, but today is not the days of Jack anymore, it has become really easy if you go for a modern distro (arch, tumbleweed, fedora,…)

    Have fun running your sound your way!

  • Any modern gnome works great… until you have to type a lot. Also, typing on a wall-mounted screen is usually uncomfortable, not angled right.

    So depending on your “obedience”, debian 12, Fedora 40, OpenSuse Tumbleweed or plain old Arch will do it.

    Maybe there are.different style/type/propositions of on-screen keyboards out there.

  • We just got 3 LG tv’s at work for an art exhibition. There’s no network available here (it’s a Napoleonic Fortress lol), and while they ask for it, dismissing all accounts/updates/online services is straightforward. You can delete all pre-installed apps (disney, netflix whatever) but LGtv and amazon. I can dig the model number tomorrow if you want.

    OTOH I haven’t owned a tv since 2001.

  • Apple supposedly makes good hardware, and my ‘23 mbp in 14’ has excellent battery, great trackpad, very good sound and a beast of a screen. Now I don’t like whatever material these machines are made of, they are downright unpleasant to grab or touch, and the keyboard is abismal shit. I hate it, I am seriously not using it as much as I could not because Asahi, or Fedora, or bugs, or the availability of certain software for Arm64, but because of that shit keyboard. Asahi runs great, the full Pipewire sound stack developed for it is a pleasure to work on. Switch monitoring every which way, plug Firefox into Ardour and rip youtube, it all works, period.

    To me M2 with 16g of ram is about on par with an intel i12 in everyday life. Sure it will win on rendering movies or some specific stuff, but day-to-day it’s like my friend’ Carbon X1 on Mint really.

  • I’m using Asahi daily these days; it is dual-boot by nature so you can rock your Linux OS everyday but still have “a macbook” (and be working on a work machine paid by your company, as should be).

    I’d be using it more if the keyboard wasn’t so shit. Battery is good, screen too, processing power… really just the keyboard is wrong, wrong and wrong. Oh, and I love the touchscreen on my other laptop.

    Did you guess my other machine is a Thinkpad? Yes it is. With a touchscreen!

  • I see I sideload of Gentleman Agreement with the hardware vendors here:

    • Hardware Vendors : “Oh No, The Market is Slowing Down!”
    • Microsoft: “Hold My Beer, it’s Payback Time”

    Everyone wins. Well, the usual suspects win as usual. The environment and the customer can go kiss Mr Gates and Mr Dell’s asses.

  • Funny story the other way around: the year is 2002 and I live in Laos. Bootlegs Everything Galore, all movies games music cost $1 or about. I discover a game, and then begins a quest to buy The Real Version because it’s a small studio and I really like it all, the storytelling, the modding tools, the community… A quest that would end up in Bangkok looking like the proverbial insane foreigner looking for the most stupid way to spend his money.

    I found it eventually, in a shop that didn’t look any different among all its brothers in Pantip Plaza. Took me a while lol.

  • You can also ask it when is the cutoff date of their database - there is a gentleman’s agreement between providers not to have ai involved in news / current politics in it’s public chats.

    I tried them on a topic I’m pretty proficient on, (a spaghetti recipe lol) and the answer was the most bland imaginable.

    The way it is setup by DDG, the restrictions and blandness, shallowness of the replies give me peace of.mind when a ‘natural language’ query is the easiest one. And Claude wouldn’t give me the DOB of that queen because it is Personal Info!