• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Unfortunately, I can’t write a full novel about all the nuances of being a parent. If you read my words, I tried to generalize and caveat where possible. I am being very blunt and direct and its not hard to understand that it’s going to piss off someone.

    My experience is absolutely not universal. Do you have a brain? Use it. Everything is situational. Adjust your actions accordingly. Be firm and kind but don’t give up and cave to a child’s demands. If you feel the need to judge an entire person by a single comment, you do you.

    Too many parents I have seen get stuck in loops of negotiating with their kids and end up getting frustrated and yelling. People make tantrums out to be hyper-complicated when they really aren’t.

    Kids, for the most part, are mirrors of the parents behavior. Kids emulate behavior as it’s a key part of development. If parents don’t recognize their own actions and behavior has consequences, then they need to start looking deep.

  • One child is grown and the other almost is, and I rarely use this instance, btw. A more complete history is on lemmy.ca.

    My children are A/B students and think for themselves. I haven’t been angry with my kids in years and only then was it when they did something that potentially caused them harm. They don’t get in trouble or get in fights. Now that the most difficult years of parenthood are over, I get to spoil them a little.

    I am an engineer, and have a respectable career. I recognize psychedelics as helpful to society and are 100% legal where I live. Guns are a hobby, not my personality. (My other hobbies are plentiful as well. If you want to learn about electronics, computers, IT security, basic CNC machining, 3D printing, or numerous other topics, let me know!)

    I knew it was a matter of time before these quips came up. There is nothing I said that was harmful or even suggested abuse. If parents can’t look at themselves and realize that most of their child’s behavior is a direct result of how the parents themselves behave, well, I can’t help them.

  • It is absolutely possible to treat the child like a person. My point is that most tantrums are allowed by the parents because of frustration.

    The reason for tantrums should be clear as day to the parents. Usually, the kid is wanting something or not wanting to do something badly. Kids are not complex and their basic needs should be second nature to parents by the time they are old enough to throw a tantrum.

    When a child is old enough to throw a tantrum, they are able to understand words, generally. IMHO, the parent needs to be firm, not “strict”. Old phrases like “the parents are always right” or “because I said so” should be thrown in the trash where they belong.

    For example, when I was at the mall with my first daughter (she was 4, I think.) she threw her first (and last) tantrum in the middle of the crowded mall because she wanted to go into the Disney store as we were leaving. My reaction was quick and firm. I immediately squatted down to her eye level, ensured eye contact and that she was fully focused on me. (Being quick about my response was important.) I explained that throwing a tantrum was not going to help her situation one bit. I didn’t raise my voice or hold her down. I didn’t threaten her with punishment or anything like that. She understood immediately that she did not like my shift into “daddy mode” and the battle was over quicker than it started.

    My approach there was to quickly snap the kids attention directly to me. Using words they understand is important, of course, but I explain what they are doing is not right. I have them repeat the point of what I say to make sure they understand it, out loud.

    If, by chance, the parent actually doesn’t understand what the child needs, that is a perfect time to ask. Help the child communicate their needs properly.

    How that is applied is situational, but the underlying method is the same. Break the endless cycle of the kid saying “but I want” and the parent just saying “no”.

    Tantrums are all the same. It’s a pointless escalation of a situation by both the child and the parent.

    Neurodivergence is a special case, obviously. However, using distraction and simple logic can help as well. There have been a few tantrums by my nephew I have stopped cold using the same method. It is more challenging because of the needs of the child, but it works.

  • remotelove@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldOld PC as Server
    11 months ago

    Old hardware is awesome to reuse most of the time but it’s not nearly as efficient as our hardware today.

    It’s probably good to just properly recycle the old gear and spend $200 on a mini-PC from Amazon that has three times the power all while using less electricity.

    I usually completely tear down old equipment into is raw materials, the best I can. It’s less likely to be shipped off to another country for uncontrolled destruction and I get more money back for the materials.

  • I will echo many others here: It’s going to be rough getting good deliveries. While you are planning on running a proxy, that is basically the same as running an open port where your server is. While it may seem to be a good idea to send email from a random AWS address, it really isn’t. Unless you are behind an IP that is specifically trusted as an email source, your traffic has a higher probability of getting dropped. (Many dynamic IP ranges for home internet connections are marked as invalid or untrusted sources, btw.)

    Additionally, email servers are a hot commodity, especially if they are not blocked (yet) by the larger filter providers. All it takes is one or two reports or a poorly configured firewall/IDS to auto-trigger a submission of your IP address as “bad”. By hot commodity, I mean you are going to get fuck tons of vulnerability scans. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s super annoying.

    If I was operating as a Jr. Security Analyst again and saw and sus traffic coming from your address, I would submit a block and not think twice about it. Hell, most of those types of blocks are automated anyway.

    However, if you do set one up and all is golden, great! It’s worth the experience but something I won’t ever do again. (Yes I did run my own email server before.)

  • I think there should be an option (unless there is) for mods to turn off (or hide) voting as needed. That might be an effective way to cancel any downvote brigades. Lemmy really doesn’t have the population for mass vote manipulation now, but it will soon enough.

    Hiding all votes can also help mitigate some superficial bias, but not all. I believe that if a person sees a comment with a few dozen downvotes first, they tend not to read the post objectively. After being on Reddit for such a long time (12 years or so), I found that it was super easy to manipulate voting trends if I caught a post or comment at just the right time.

    Hiding only downvotes is just silly though. Some register of public opinion, positive or negative, still has its uses, IMHO.

  • remotelove@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldWith all this talk about sync's pricing...
    11 months ago

    Yep! The developer of Connect for Lemmy is getting caffeinated on a regular basis by me. It’s a perfect fit for the RIF gap in my heart. ;)

    He/She(?) is doing an awesome job and it’s amazing how far this app has come in just a few short weeks. I am trying to keep the dev motivated as much as possible, for sure!

    My only gripe is that it’s not open source, but that is OK.

  • It’s possible that the console is clearing the visible logs when the page gets refreshed after you hit submit. If that is not the case, see if you can trap the HTTP response code after your browser sends the POST. There are a million and one ways this issue could be happening.

    If it gets really bad, use a HTTP(s) man in the middle tool like Fiddler or even OWASP Zap to capture the full exchange. That may give you some more hints.

  • remotelove@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldVanishing Comments?
    1 year ago

    It could be the app that you are using, that Lemmy is still going through growing pains with the new flood of traffic or your phone/PC just hates you.

    You are probably going to have to track down the debug logs on whatever device and app you are using to see if there are any post errors.

    Oh. Never trust any web forms on any site, especially if you are typing a big message. I know it’s a pain, but selecting and copying your words is good insurance for long posts.