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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • I like most of this article but

    Instead, hundreds of couples gathered in a public space and sucked face. The women wore what we might call immodest clothing and the couples groped each other and kissed and kissed and kissed some more. For the police and the Turkish regime, this was an “irresolvable dilemma.” The police could not possibly turn violent against these smooching protesters. They would look brutal and, in some ways, silly. The public would surely sympathize with the kissing anti-authoritarians if force were deployed. Police are trained to respond to force, not non-violence. In this case, they slinked away and the protesters cheered and, in some cases, made out a little more.

    did the law change

    The townspeople didn’t engage the neo-nazi marchers with threats and force. Residents and local businesses instead pledged money for every mile the fascists walked in their journey to Hess’ burial site. They raised about $12,000 and gave the money to an organization dedicated to de-radicalizing young people trying to exit extremist groups. Protestors threw rainbow confetti on the neo-nazis as they passed the finish line of the marathon route the pro-democracy group had created as a way of mocking the little fascist walk. These adherents to a hideous political ideology were made into subjects of ridicule. They were made to be fools by folks who smartly refused to engage them the way they wanted to be engaged: With violence.

    did they stop marching to the grave

    idk the answer to the previous two questions but that he didn’t say is pretty sus

    Pro-democracy activists have shown that far-right demonstrations of power have six core goals: To legitimize their views, strengthen their self-image as part of the downtrodden, unite their squabbling factions, attract new people to the movement, control media coverage, and feel powerful and heroic. All of these goals were met with the violent counter demonstrations in Charlottesville. It could not have turned out better for the fascists.

    Charlottesville was an unmitigated disaster for the far right

    In fact, movements with a mere 3.55 percent of the population actively supporting them have never failed, according to Pranksters vs. Autocrats, a comprehensive review of nonviolence and dilemma actions.


    Smearing your opponent as weird and out of step with the American voter is as good a strategy as we’ve seen in the 21st century. Is it high minded and philosophical? No, it’s not. Are normies high minded and philosophical? No, they’re not. This is why Marxists have largely failed to gain power. They think too much.

    the attack line comes from leftist podcasts