• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Exactly! I saw the App Store version was ripped of a few features and subscription-based so was a no-no. Hence trying to get it from Panic.

    When I traded in the MBA I had the option of bank transfer or Apple credit and I (foolishly) chose credit because, at the time, my wife was going to trade her iPad and get a new one, so figured the credit would come in handy. She then changed her mind. So at the moment it’s just paying my subscriptions (Apple One, etc.) I guess until it runs out or I buy something.

  • Sorry, I wasn’t classing Chrome and Chromium as the same thing. I’m a software developer of 20 years so I understand they’re not the same thing. I guess I just took that opportunity to state that I don’t use Google services/products if I can help it.

    In work we’re a Windows house, but I’ve managed to get my hands on an M2 MacBook Pro. For now I’m still using Edge but would like to get my iCloud exemption so I can use some of the apps on my personal MBP for work, and I’m wondering whether I should continue using Edge for work and A. N. Other browser for personal (and mirror this on my iPhone); or whether to use profiles, for example, on Safari and split it that way. I might be limited to what I can download on the work machine, but I’d like to synergies everything as much as I can where possible rather than having two completely different Mac experiences with my iPhone sort of thrown in the middle of both.

    Which browser do you prefer? I assume a Chromium-based derivative?

  • I have/had a ProtonMail account, and whilst it was great, I believe it was only end-to-end encrypted when sending emails to other people using ProtonMail…? Or at least that was my understanding at the time.

    The apps back then weren’t particularly polished, so I ended up migrating everything back to iCloud.

    To be honest, I don’t seem to have any issues with iCloud and everything just works. But that’s the problem with Apple, and how they “get” you.

  • No, we don’t have Apple Cash here in the UK for some reason.

    If I go to the App Store on either my iPhone or Mac and click on my profile pic, I can see I have a balance. Because I selected Apple Store credit when I traded in my Mac it just credited my Apple ID with money.

    If possible I’d like to transfer it out of there, to buy software directly from the respective websites for Swish and Transmit.

  • I could be misinformed, but this isn’t just limited to Spark as I understand it, I believe a lot (maybe all?) third-party clients do the same thing. They act as an intermediary between you and the server so they can deliver push notifications.

    However, as I understand it, Spark’s privacy policy outlines that they don’t read/scan the contents of your emails, and the use of app-specific passwords rather than your email password ensures they only have access to emails and nothing else.

    Pretty sure others such as Canary, Airmail, Edison, etc. all do/did the same thing, but it was the lack of clarity in Spark’s privacy policy that made them the main target for scrutiny. I think they’ve since cleared that up.

    I could be mistaken, though.

  • Before putting Pi-hole behind Traefik, it worked perfectly via :/admin. And the logs for Pi-hole now in Traefik show that it is up and working, and I get the login page. But just can’t get beyond it.

    The guides I’ve seen show how to structure the Traefik labels with and without the addprefix middleware, and both apparently work. So I’m wondering if by following several guides and taking bits from each, I’ve ended up overlooking something.

    I’ll try and expose 80 and see if it makes a difference, but like I say everything is up and running in the backend, I just can’t get past the login screen on the frontend.