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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2024


  • I’m thinking I’ll leave the plants in the beds for the next tenants to enjoy. They’ll be able to harvest the squash, tomatoes and physalis I planted. Apart from the strawberries it’s all annuals which I can start from seed again next season so it doesn’t hurt that much :)

    And I have plenty of tomatoes, cukes, melons and other plants in pots so it’s not like the season is lost altogether. All in all I’ll be fine even if the season is cut short for most of my garden.

  • I got a Meyer lemon, a classic lemon, a satsuma and a lime tree :) all in pots because our winters are too cold for most citrus trees.

    The cherry tree is amazing. My strawberries are mostly done for the season, but the cherries started ripening at the perfect time. My kids love going to the garden with me, they know they will be getting tasty treats there.

    We’re moving soon and I need to come up with a way to replace the fruit trees from the garden so I’m looking at trees in pots which appears to be possible but has some flaws.

    Is there anything you got your eye on?