(biologist - artist - queer)

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You’re the only magician that could make a falling horse turn into thirteen gerbils

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Why would we even want that, though? Harris is a cop, and her presidency would likely be just as impotent and mediocre as Biden’s. Like Biden, she’s going to bend to corporate interests, please no one in the interest of pleasing everyone, not make or advocate for any major protective reforms to the democratic process (ranked choice voting, etc.), and try to take the high road against directly calling out fascism. When will the DNC get it through their heads that their departmental politics and seniority process shouldn’t decide the president-- the people should?

    Also, I find it immoral of them to play a horrible game of “switcheroo” with Harris and Biden. It feels like what you’re saying is, they know she’s unpopular and would lose an election, but if we switch her in for Biden through this presidency then everyone will see how great she is! We don’t need an election, we just need the great and powerful DNC to plan our presidents for us!!!

    To clarify in case it isn’t obvious, I am a trans, disabled leftist. But this is EXACTLY why Trump is so popular and why everyone hates the DNC.

  • The fact this has 40 up votes right now makes me feel like lemmy is losing a diverse user base. Like, where are the women to down vote this obviously shitty take?

    Let’s list some reasons why these women could have done this that aren’t “women are sluts for clown daddies”:

    • he’s their boss, and leveraging his insane power over them to make it hard to say no and keep their job
    • he’s just an extremely powerful man and they’re afraid of pissing him off
    • they have insecurities, (like the “loser cuck” fallacy!) that they aren’t valuable or desirable as partners, and attention from someone as powerful as him feels like affirmation of their value even if they don’t like him or he treats them badly
    • they understand that, by not resisting his advances, they might be able to provide themselves a link to a financial source that could support them and a child
    • he literally sexually harasses, assaults, or rapes them and they don’t feel like they can criminally pursue one of the richest men in the world

    Like, yeah, some of them might be individuals who have bad taste in men or are shitty people themselves. I’m even certain that some of them are! But damn, can we take the perspective of the woman for one second? It’s not a good look to find yourself agreeing with incels on the internet

  • Contrary to most of the opinions in this thread, I think this (and the van gogh incident) is a great and appropriate protest.

    It causes a knee-jerk reaction to be mad that they are harming a precious piece of history and culture, which is a perfect juxtaposition to how the climate change harms our precious natural resources and will harm ourselves, and

    It achieves this without actually causing permanent damage to the subject artifact, and

    It is incendiary enough to remain in our public consciousness long enough for it to affect the discourse.

    I only wish there was a more direct way to protest the people most responsible for the worst effects (oil executives, politicians, etc.), but the truth is that the “average middle-class Westerner” (most of the people who have access to enjoy these particular cultural relics) is globally “one of the worst offenders”. While I firmly believe that individuals have less power to enact change than corporations and policymakers, this protest does achieve the goal of causing reflection within people who have the power to make changes.

  • It must be different in different places. I went from a renter in one area, to an owner in the same area, to a renter again in a different area in the period of 5ish years (long story).

    Rent in the first area was about the same cost for a two bedroom, two bath, 1000 sq ft apartment as the entire mortgage on a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1200 sq ft house, including principle, interest, and taxes. The only reason people would rent there is because they don’t have the money for a down payment.

    When we left that area, we could have become landlords and rented the house out. We could have easily gotten twice the entire mortgage in rental income, but we felt that being a landlord was unethical (especially since we were relatively wealthy for that area, although we made less than the US median family income). We sold the house and broke even.

    Now, we live in a much higher COL area. It’s true here that renting is much cheaper than buying, but that’s because you can’t get a SFH for less than about $1.5 million here. My rent on my 1 bed, 1 bath, 700 sq ft apartment is more than twice my mortgage in my previous area. Our incomes have increased, now we make slightly above the median family income. But our leftover at the end of the month honestly went down a ton. If we weren’t here to get an education, we’d be gone by now.

    Just saying… As someone who has both rented and owned, I definitely feel more like I’m shoveling money into a fire as a renter. Owning was the best financial situation I’d ever been in.

  • "if you can’t afford to leave, or you or your family have medical needs and can’t relocate, or if all your friends and family and social spheres are here, or if your job is context dependent, or if you’re undocumented, or if your spouse or family disagrees with your desire to move, or if you’re enrolled in in-state college, or if you’re elderly and have lived here your whole life, or if you have a farm, or if your ancestral home is nearby, or if you’re homeless, or if you have a strong sense of duty to your community, or if you’re a military service member, or if you’re a kid…

    …that’s on you!"

    edit: also, many marginalized people know and will tell you-- there isn’t a place on this earth for people like us with 100% safety from violence

  • I know you’re at least partially talking about labels in general, but since this is in reply to a poll about queer identities, I am taking your comment to be related to LGBTQ+ labels.

    I don’t think most individuals with an LGBTQ+ identity think of themselves as only that identity. Race, class, religion, ability, and other dimensions of identity ultimately combine to create the whole person. In fact, most discourse surrounding identities involves some analysis of intersectionality, as coined by Kimberle Crenshaw. In essence, she illustrated how being both black and a woman brings different experiences and struggles than being a white woman or black man. As an extension, the queer identity a person has and the other identities a person has interact to inform their experiences in ways that are different than having any one of those identities alone.

    If some people externally equate a queer person’s whole self and their queer identity, that isn’t the fault of the queer person. In fact, this is another reason why having a label (as inadequate as it might objectively be) can be useful. Queer people need those labels so they can maneuver in society to build coalition and obtain equal rights. If we squabbled over the differences between subjective experiences of queerness, our groups would be smaller and have less bargaining power.

    I might be way off about what you meant in your statement, but i figured it was worth throwing this out here anyway!

  • hey I see and appreciate you, I’m also trans, I literally research justice initiatives for LGBTQ+ and specifically trans* individuals in the USA

    but my friend, can we please not compare what’s happening to us to what is happening to Palestinians? This makes us look like ignorant assholes

    Trans people might be next in line for literal genocide, but right now we’re experiencing ideological violence more than physical violence

    In fact, when we closely examine violence against trans people, the rates of murder and physical violence are only elevated for trans individuals who are poor and people of color. White, middle class trans people are actually less likely to experience physical violence than non-trans poor POCs. That could change depending on political winds, but…

    Right now, people in Palestine are experiencing something horrific and unprecedented that eclipses trans suffering in the USA. I am right there with you, afraid of the march of fascism, afraid of what another Trump presidency might bring for our community. But I am not getting airstriked, starved, and war crimed right now. My children are not being shot in the head. I can write about these issues online and in my professional life and not get hung for it. It’s just not the same.

  • I feel like I’m usually choosing between three options.

    For almost all my clothes, I’m buying from a thrift shop. Cheap, least harmful for the environment, can be in-person trying stuff on. Perfect. I can even get business-appropriate clothing (I work at a university) but obviously it’d be hard to find specific or very nice fitting stuff.

    If I need an outfit for a special occasion (for me this is one or two outfits at a time, max), I’ll go to a specialty store. Sometimes these are online “slow fashion” shops, sometimes they are boutiques or tailors. This obviously costs a ton more, but for one or two outfits, it’s worth it.

    Lastly, occasionally I will see a stupid, trendy, specific thing I want to wear. I’ll usually buy this online from a fast fashion shop. I’m not a saint, and we’re talking like <2% of the clothes I buy… Idk, I know it’s not the best, but I think my other clothing habits make up for it… and I’m not going to find a cow print crop top or e-boy outfit at the thrift store, ya know?

    I’m not sure how I feel about department stores going under since it’s such a complicated issue (don’t care about losing them but maybe they’re dying because they’re being replaced with something worse?), but I have not felt like department stores fill a niche for me for more than a decade now. I don’t feel a practical issue with their loss, more just a sense of foreboding, lol.