My Lemmy themes at

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetworking Dilemma
    9 days ago

    If it were me and there was no way to have an additional drop installed from the exterior, I would still consider running a single cable through the living space to your desired location, as discreetly as possible.

    It’s difficult to suggest exactly how to do so without pics or a floorplan, but I would try to match the wall or trim color and keep the cable tucked close to the floor and/or ceiling throughout the run.

    Once in place, the cable will quickly disappear into your surroundings and you’ll be left with rock solid reliable networking.

  • thayer@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldChange tracking ideas
    4 months ago

    I try to keep things simple and just use Markdown files for everything. I have a doc for each physical device, and another doc for each service/container running on the LAN.

    I generally track hardware specs, upgrade paths, and software changelogs/todos as unsorted lists within these docs. It’s super portable and easily synced across devices via Syncthing.

  • You’re very welcome. For Markor, I wasn’t a fan of the default viewer theme, which is how I view most notes when on mobile, so I made some tweaks to improve its appearance…below is a screenshot:

    If you want something similar, add the following under Settings > View mode:

    • Open existing files in view mode: on (this may be default)
    • Link color: #71aaff

    And replace the <style>...</style> block under the inject -> head pop-up with the following CSS:

    html, body { 
      font-family: sans-serif-condensed;
      font-size: 110%;
      background: #0d1117; 
      color: #c9d1d9;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0.5em;
    a {
      color: 58a6ff;
      text-decoration: none;
    h1, h2, h3, h4 {
      padding-bottom: 0.25em;
      border-bottom: 2px solid #222934;
    hr {
      border: 2px solid #222934;
    pre, code {
      color: #b5a5ee;

  • I write nearly everything in markdown. Like you, I don’t want databases, or other barriers that will complicate portability.

    I just use my text editor of choice, usually VSCodium or vim on the desktop, and Syncthing to keep the notes synced across all of our devices.

    On Android, I’ve been happily using the Markor markdown editor for years. I’ve tried several others but always return to its simplicity.

    All of the above editors support opening folders in a tree view, so you can easily keep your notes sorted under a traditional folder structure and find what you when you need it.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that Markor does have a dedicated to-do feature too, which also uses markdown.

  • Simple SMS, obtained from F-Droid, is probably the best universal option until the Fossify project adds the fork to their suite (assuming they do).

    If you have the ability to toggle network access for your apps (GrapheneOS, etc.), Google Messages is a very solid SMS app that receives regular updates. I would normally only recommend FOSS apps, but many of those options are limited and/or dangerously outdated for SMS.

  • I too like to review changes between images, but I’m just as content to run rpm-ostree status and/or rpm-ostree db diff to see what exactly has changed.

    You should be forced to reboot though? And if you don’t want to reboot, can’t you just do an --apply-live?

    I’m hoping to eliminate the extra reboot each day that is usually necessary to activate the latest image. I know that a lot of this will depend on exactly when the image drops from the repos (versus when I shutdown a host), which is why I was looking for some general feedback from others who might have done the same thing…I didn’t know if it’d be worthwhile in the long run, but I guess there’s only one way to find out. As for the --apply-live, I use it on occasion but I don’t want to rely on it for system updates (if that’s even possible).

  • Thanks, yeah I’ve found a few articles already on running scripts at shutdown…something like this should do it (using Tony Walker’s update script), though I’ve not tested it yet:

    Description=Fedora Silverblue Update at Shutdown 