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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Yozul@beehaw.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyz👩‍🦰💔
    2 months ago

    I mean, he can be the most important founding father of modern psychology and also have been wrong about everything he said. Let’s be real. Modern psychology is still very, very wrong about a lot of things. It’s a science in its infancy. Alchemists were wrong about everything, but their work made chemistry possible. Standing on the shoulders of giants doesn’t always mean those giants were right.

  • If you think the US government gives a shit about “millions in bribes” then you have no idea how numbers work.

    I’m not delusional enough to think I’m voting for a leftist. That’s never what Biden was. I’m voting to stop fascism. Socialism isn’t going to win at the ballot box. Elections are how we stop things from getting worse while implementing real solutions. If all you’re doing is whining about presidents then you are a bad leftist.

  • Not doing everything possible to prevent something is not the same as actively doing it. It’s still bad, but if you seriously think it would be a good idea to let fascists take over America because Biden isn’t marching troops into Gaza or whatever it is you want him to do, then hopefully there are enough sane people left to make you irrelevant.

  • Every single distro maintaining their own version of every single Linux app is just a lot of work that wouldn’t need to be done if there was a way of making a version that worked on every distro out of the box. Plus that way app devs don’t have to worry about trying to hunt down every weird bug that only comes up occasionally while doing a specific thing using a specific version of a specific library that only one distro uses.

    None of them are better than a well maintained native app from your distro. In fact, realistically they kinda have to be at least a little worse than an actually well maintained one. If you include all the time spent maintaining native apps, universal formats are potentially orders of magnitude less work to maintain if they become the default though, and that is valuable. Valuable enough that a lot of the people doing that work are pushing for them pretty hard.

  • Try reading these comments here. There are just as many people adamant that open source mean source available as there are people who think it means libre. The vast majority of people here don’t follow free software the way you or I do, and this is a niche free alternative website. There’s no point in getting mad at people who don’t obsess over industry definitions and just use open source to mean software that has source code that is available. You know, like the source is open or something crazy like that. It just makes us look bitter and hostile while accomplishing nothing useful.

  • Open source is not a very useful term. Grayjay isn’t free and libre software because it restricts commercial use, and it is definitely source available software. Whether that makes it open source depends on who you ask, and no, OSI is not the undisputed arbiter of all things open source just because they say so.

    Griping because someone is using a different definition of open source than you do when they are being very clear about what exactly their license allows is not productive.

  • Out of those options obviously Signal.

    In reality I just use SMS because everyone I know is still using that or iMessage so what’s happening at my end is irrelevant to my privacy, and I wouldn’t send anything I wanted to be private from a phone at all. There are no good solutions for that.

  • Storage space mostly isn’t as bad as it is with AppImages. Each AppImage stores all the libraries it needs, even if they are shared with another one. They can’t even know if they have shared libraries. A single AppImage will probably actually use less storage than a single Flatpak if you only have one, just because the AppImage only uses exactly the libraries it needs, while Flatpaks use shared sets of them. That being said, Flatpaks generally get less bad the more of them you use, because of the shared libraries. They’re still a whole extra set of libraries on top of your system ones though, plus they put out a new set every year. Apps that are still under active development generally get updated to the latest version, but older apps that are basically finished often require older libraries, so that’s more space used. Overall for a one off program when you’re not using universal packaging systems regularly AppImages are mostly better, but if you’re going to be using them regularly Flatpak quickly becomes far better. It still uses more storage space than just using native apps though.

    Another difference between Flatpak and AppImage is that it can be kind of a pain to theme Flatpaks to match the rest of your system, and I don’t know of any good way to do it with qt6 apps yet, but it’s just straight up impossible to theme AppImages. They can technically have themes built into them, but unless you’re using Adwaita, or maybe Breeze if you’re lucky, they just don’t, and having to rebuild your own custom AppImage completely defeats the main benefit of using AppImages.

  • On my main PC I use for gaming I run Arch and prefer native packages whenever I can use them. I’m quite happy to have this one computer by a hobby project, and native applications just make more sense on something as up to date as Arch when they’re available. I have started to prefer Flatpak over AUR packages though. The AUR is pretty overrated, in my opinion.

    On my laptop and anything else I install Linux on I usually just use LMDE, and I’ll often prefer the Flatpak, just because it’s way more up to date. There are some apps that Mint keeps up to date native versions of, and there are some apps that come preinstalled that I just don’t care about having the latest version of, but for everything else I usually just download the Flatpak.

  • Yozul@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlIs Systemd that bad afterall?
    1 year ago

    One of my biggest problems with critics of systemd is that a lot of the same people who make that second point also argue against wayland adoption when xorg does the exact same thing as systemd. It makes me feel like they’re just grumpy stubborn old Linux nerds from the 90s who just hate anything that’s not what they learned Linux with.

    Which is sad, because honestly I think it’s kind of not great that an unnecessarily massive project has gained such an overwhelming share of users when the vast majority of those users don’t need or use most of what it does. Yeah, the init systems from before systemd sucked, but modern alternatives like runit or openrc work really well. Unfortunately they get poorly supported because everyone just assumes you have systemd. I don’t like the lack of diversity. I think it’s a problem that any init system “won”.

  • Yozul@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlRHEL and Fedora for home use
    1 year ago

    Fedora is designed as a relatively stable testing ground for widespread use. It is incredibly unlikely that they’d ever even want to restrict its distribution, and nobody is signing any contracts with Fedora, so they’d have no leverage to stop us from doing it even if they did want to.

    Long term who knows what stupid things Redhat might try to get up to, and even if they don’t make any catastrophic decisions the whole project could potentially start to drift away from the rest of Linux if they keep making smaller divisive decisions, but that’s both unlikely, and in the far distant future if it ever does happen. For the more foreseeable future there is absolutely nothing to worry about with Fedora, other than possibly ethical concerns that you’re helping to bug test for the makers RHEL, if you care about that.