• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I use nginx proxy manager for a reverse proxy and SSL cert automation. Works great for me but I would like to get into traefik sometime.

    I got tired of the NPM and went to traefik for 2 reasons.

    1. NPM kept locking me out of my account (admin), like 4 times during the time I was using it. That meant that it was not reliable enough for daily use.

    2. From what I heard is that the NPM project only has 1 developer and so they can’t really respond and fix security flaws in a proper timeframe.

    I’m using traefik now for internal traffic while VPN in if I need internal services while out and about.

    Jim’s Garage has a great YouTube video on setting it up.

  • Yeah they are all double $$ and I recreated the container several times. The only thing that was changed in the compose file was the hash string - user:password.

    I read from another older post that sometimes you need to clear all cookies in the browser. Did that also. Didn’t work.

    I did however do the DNS challange again as I fucked up the older working config. The cert is different now but points to the same domain and subdomain. Can it be that the browser or traefik are still “remembering” the old cert, with other credentials?

    Just grasping at straws here. I’m at a loss.

    I can’t find anything online, traefik website or on YouTube about changing passwords. Only create one on a new install.

    Should be a walk in the park to change a password. Wtf.

    Edit: found the solution here: community.traefik.io/t/dashboard-with-basic-auth-but-cant-login-in-anyway/13235

    I was using a wrong hash command in the terminal.


  • The Heliboard keyboard (opensource), based on Openboard, is pretty damn good on at least 3 languages with a seamless typing experience with predictions.

    The trick config is to use one language (english) then use “sub languages” that you need. Don’t just tick the 3 languages on the list or you need to switch manually between them when typing.

    No spying going on here.