• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It feels like a trap is being set.

    Except that the trap is Biden’s political instincts. Biden didn’t win 2020, the BLM movement which had just spent 4 years on the streets resisting fascism, which was engaged and activated, they stopped Trump in 2020. Mass voter activation and outreach; an engaged and activated political population with the singular goal of stopping Trump: they won 2020. Biden got carried along for the ride. Problem we face now is that a Boomer (is he even a boomer?) who got handed second base by another batter thinks he hit a double. His instincts are shit. His politics are shit. He’s a stand-in we all voted for in lieu of voting for something much worse, and that’s precisely the problem. He shouldn’t be making political or campaign decisions, because it wasn’t his politics that got him into office. This is the fundamental problem at the core of blue-no-matter-who as a voting strategy.

    Every move Biden’s had to make on his own volition and world view has been a terrible one. He’s a fucking idiot and we’re told were stuck with him? Except that I don’t actually believe we’re stuck with Biden. Its 2020 all over again. Biden’s not going to get elected on his own volition. Its not him being elected (again), its “Not Trump”. We could have gotten an old boot left out in the rain elected in 2020, the anti-Trump sentiment was so strong. Its the same game this year. If any blue will do, we should try a different blue that isn’t working to actively disenfranchise their base. Any generic blue state governor. West coast has plenty, just grab one. But Biden trying to turn the Democratic party to the right is so fucking stupid, its about the only strategy that could be employed that will lose the election for the Democrats. He’s setting us up for disaster and people here are cheering it on.