Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure someone somewhere is worse and that makes this okay somehow.
This window ledge is private property 🤓
No human is illegal.
The irony
That, and the painting, might be put there by people protesting the spikes and not necessarily the owners of these spikes.
Nice, anti homeless and anti disabled all at once (lack of streetside seating makes getting around challenging for mobility limited people)
And right below a “no human is illegal” poster
How can it be that people don’t realize how badly faked this is and what position it is trying to sneak through?
You mean you don’t believe that Hostile architecture exists? Or are you just saying that this specific example doesn’t?
This specific example is badly photoshopped
That’s not really the point, though.
Edit to elaborate: Whether or not this specific one is real, it perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy of trans ally neoliberals who persecute and punish unhoused people for existing near them.
If there were so many examples of this in the real world, then you wouldn’t need to photoshop one.
The French Revolution was well documented and people still enjoy A Tale of Two Cities
Are you saying we don’t need any fiction - novels, tv, movies, jokes, comics, memes… because there exists non-fiction versions?
I think you and the others trying to pass off the same idea don’t seem to understand the problem here. It’s not that you can’t have satire, or fiction that acts as a social commentary. It’s that all of the examples you are mentioning aren’t trying to pass themselves off as reality . Nobody reads A Tale of Two Cities and thinks that it is literal. Or A Modest Proposal. This here is trying to pass itself off as real and as soon as it gets called out for it, the choir shows up to say “Oh, so we can’t have satire anymore”.
You’re at the top of my comment chain, so I’m replying to agree with you and take this further.
Whoever photoshopped this and the other one with the park bench that’s floating around is trying to pit liberals against each other by making it seem like fighting for trans rights and fighting to house the unhoused are opposed to each other.
For anyone reading this, don’t fall for it.
Sure, except I’m in California where it is two very different fights. Try reversing any LGBTQ Rights and you’ll get tarred and feathered. Suggest the Homeless shouldn’t be hunted in the streets and you also get tarred and feathered.
It’s like living in reverse land where instead of “fiscal responsibility” and “traditional social values”; we have “fiscal responsibility” and “progressive social values”.
Great! If the spikes weren’t inclusive trans people might feel excluded from the ban of sleeping on them