• BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    “The most stunning piece of cinema in its class since A Serbian Film” - New York Times

    “Fun for the hole family.” - The Onion

  • FuyuhikoDate@silkky.pub
    1 year ago

    Can somebody explain it to me?

    Edit: Thanks for All the comments that prevented me to click any of those Videos after i saw the thumbnails…

    Sometimes i feel so innocent thinking the Internet is going stay wholesome after a lot of cat memes…

    • BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      I could, i̷͇̍Ǹ̸̙ ̶͎̓ǵ̶̻R̶̥͝è̶̝A̸̫̓ț̶̔ ̵̭͝D̴̺͝ë̸͉́T̴̹̎a̵̟͊I̵͎͌L̵̜̿, actually, but I’d be defederated by half of Lemmy.

      Let’s just say… don’t Google Christian Weston Chandler, don’t click a video called Down the Rabbit hole and don’t watch the entire thing and certainly don’t go looking at news reports regarding her(long story) and her grandmother.

      • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2@lemmy.worldOP
        1 year ago

        Um ashtually 🤓🤓 irs 99.99% lemmy you’ll be defedratef by

        Edit 1 if you want to learn about the events surrounding Christian chandler’s life then I recommend you follow this guys advice also could also check out someorindrygamers videos on the topic it’s how I learned about it it’s a really insane rabbit hole

    • mommykink@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      The internet hates autistic people and has spent the past two decades bullying, harassing, and manipulating a man named “Chris Chan.” Most recently a woman, Bella, pretending to be his girlfriend tried (unsuccessfully) to get Chris to have sex with his elderly mother. When this didn’t work, Bella leaked some screenshots and recordings out of context to make it seem like he had done it. Chris was just recently released from jail after nearly two years after being found innocent

        • andros_rex@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Chris Chan believes that she’s an interdimensional goddess at this point. I really don’t think we can take text messages from random internet trolls at face value.

          Even if she did, it’s not an idea she came up with herself. She has a legit claim to having been “gang stalked” for more than a decade. The “idea guys” had been feeding her absolutely insane and disturbing shit for years. She went along with making plot changes to Sonichu which seriously upset her (because she believes her characters are real). It’s totally plausible that she would send messages describing fucked up shit to a “girlfriend” when groomed to.

          Sane and stable people send billions of dollars to their fake internet girlfriends. Chris Chan is an isolated autistic person raised by people who refused to get her help, was bullied relentlessly for making a shitty webcomic, and has had limited contact with the outside world other than a serious of increasingly elaborate trolls. She legitimately believed that “Liquid Chris” was getting deals with Nintendo for her comic ten years ago - she now believes that she’s the key to different dimensions merging or something.

          • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            Personally I don’t think it’s appropriate to use she/her pronouns with Chris

            It kind of gives a message saying “I put a delusional moron who believes he’s the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is both CPU Goddess of the Commodore 64 and ushering in a Dimensional Merge that will make characters from Pokemon and Sonic The Hedgehog real, on equal footing with someone who was assigned the wrong gender at birth.”

            And that really isn’t doing anyone any favors… and as an autistic transwoman myself, I find the idea promoted from well-meaning people who don’t know the full situation that she’s “Just like you! Only a little more autistic and with a few more bullies!” to be… disgusting.

            Especially since there is evidence that Chris is incredibly suggestible, and that trolls (specifically ones referred to as “The Idea Guys” may have planted the idea of him being trans in his head while he was emotionally vulnerable.

            Now I know you can’t normally “convince someone they’re trans”, but Chris isn’t normal… Chris-Chan is someone who’s always had a loose grip on reality, I still remember how he literally broke into tears upon being told Santa Claus wasn’t real… he was in his mid-20’s and was told this in response to wondering why Saint Nick didn’t literally kidnap a young woman, groom her into loving Chris, and leaving her tied up under his Christmas Tree.

            Plus Chris has actually said a large part of her desire to transition is the belief that all the straight girls have boyfriends, and that maybe he could sleep with lesbians… Which raises so many red flags that I feel like I’m back in the USSR. And yes, I understand the idea of a cisguy “going trans” to “Listen to ladies pee.” is discredited as a Far Right scare tactic as no sane rational person would even consider going through such a life changing and involved process for so little gain, but Chris is not a sane rational person! He’s so crazy and self-destructive that in the earlier parts of his transition he listened to hypnosis vids on Youtube and then tried to cut open the skin between his balls and anus thinking his “vagina was forming and needed to breathe”

            Chris-Chan’s story is disturbing form beginning to end. It has not heroes, only villains… The whole thing is also a warning about how you should definitely seek mental help sooner rather than later (Chris never received help because his parents were advanced in age when they had him, and still believed getting mental help meant locking someone up in an Asylum and giving them electric shocks…)

            And I say this as someone who actually thinks fondly of Chris. To not recognize Chris as batshit insane as he really is, is hopelessly naive.

            • andros_rex@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              I recognize that Chris Chan is bat shit insane, but I also believe fundamentally that we should refer to people by their preferred pronouns. I’m not going to put myself in the position of deciding who meets my requirements of being trans - epistemologically that’s a very hard thing to “prove.” I don’t like the precedent of this person is bad/crazy so they aren’t valid as trans people - we don’t “earn” our right to be called the correct pronoun. Would I have concerns about Chris Chan being sane enough to make reasonable decisions about HRT? Yes - but there’s zero harm in acknowledging the pronouns she prefers.

              I just really think it’s dangerous to let the internet decide who is “allowed” to be considered trans. I’m a transgender man myself - I’ve experienced significant sexual trauma and there is definitely a narrative that women who aren’t really trans are tricked into transitioning because of sexual trauma.

              I also do think in Christory there’s more evidence than just the Idea Guys. She historically showed a lot of disgust and comfort with penises and men. I understand not wanting her in “our camp” but I strongly believe in referring to people the way they wish to be referred to.

              I think the true horror of Chris Chan’s story is that the internet can harass a severely disabled person for several decades, and folks will treat this as acceptable or deserved. Chris Chan’s break with reality makes sense - how many fake girlfriends have there been now? - but people really love the craziness. I actually like her work (in an outsider artist sense) but someone should have stopped this insanity two decades ago.

              • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
                8 months ago

                I also do think in Christory there’s more evidence than just the Idea Guys. She historically showed a lot of disgust and comfort with penises and men. I understand not wanting her in “our camp” but I strongly believe in referring to people the way they wish to be referred to.

                Context is everything, Chris’ disgust with penises was the result of homophobia, being incredibly outspoken about it to the point of having an arc in his comic where his blood is used for a vaccine to cure gayness, and his dislike of men started in his 20’s when he believed that the “Infinitely High Boyfriend Factor” was a thing, and that all of the men were “stealing all the pretty girls and leaving him with none”

                He was also a giant misogynist and a record of only seeing women as sex objects, to the point of thinking it was not only appropriate to draw porn of his childhood friend and put that on the internet (To prove that he wasn’t gay, yes this happened the picture is called ShecameforCWC), then told her that she was the one who did something wrong by being upset about this, and actually yelled at Sony for not enabling him to buy sex from her with a PSP… Seriously.

                The extent to which Chris was “Made the way he was by the trolls” is often overstated, friendly reminder when he sexually assaulted his own mother he wasn’t goaded into it, tricked, or blackmailed, he did it of his own freewill and his trolls were not only shocked he did this, but were the ones who reported this to the police in the first place.

                But that aside, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree here…

                I legitimately think Chris has gender issues, but I think a lot of that is being ignorant of how gender works in general and not understanding men and women beyond “Men are tough and like babes and brewskis!” and “Women be shopping and they hug each other and stuff!”, due in a large part to the fact that pop culture is all he knows, and he can’t even get that right.

                • andros_rex@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  The extent to which Chris was “Made the way he was by the trolls” is often overstated, friendly reminder when he sexually assaulted his own mother he wasn’t goaded into it, tricked, or blackmailed, he did it of his own freewill and his trolls were not only shocked he did this, but were the ones who reported this to the police in the first place.

                  Bella is not a good source. There’s already evidence that she has fabricated other texts.

      • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2@lemmy.worldOP
        1 year ago

        Didn’t the poilce do tests that proved that he did the… monster mash you can fake text messages but it’s hell of a lot more difficult to fake medical tests

          • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            They did actually, and Chris admitted to doing the deed; claiming in several letters and statements that he did it to “heal her through soulbonding”

            Chris wasn’t let go because he didn’t do it. (he did)

            Chris was let go because the punishment for misdemeanor incest in Virginia is about a year or two in prison. Chris kept having his trial delayed because they didn’t believe him to be competent to stand trial, forcing more tests… by the time the trial could begin, the charges were dropped because even in the (highly likely) chance he was found guilty, they’d have to let him go anyway because of “time served” (If you serve longer in jail waiting for your trial than what a guilty verdict would have given you, they consider your time already served), so it wasn’t worth a lengthy expensive trial when he wasn’t even going to be punished anyway.

            Please do not spread false information about Chris

      • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Chris was NOT found innocent, they dropped the charges realizing that even though he was likely guilty, he’d get off on the “Time served” technicality. They don’t lock people up for two years over “he said, she said”

        He sexually assaulted his own mother of his own freewill, he was not goaded into it, he did that and bragged about it.

        Bella did doctor footage to make Chris seem worse than he really was yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that police didn’t formally charge Chris with the crime till they took Barbara to the hospital, had doctors speak with her, and examined her.

        Chris’ trial only took so long to actually start because they weren’t sure Chris was competent enough to stand trial, as he kept not only admitting to the crime, but claiming that he did it as a way of “healing her” through “soul bonding”

        DO NOT spread false information that paints Chris in a positive light, it just leads to what it always leads to. People trying to White Knight Chris and getting burned when he not only fails to take their advice, but winds up doxxing them as well.

    • DrPop@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      Go on YouTube/Spotify and search Chris Chan. You will be amazed at the amount of content.

  • Copythis@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I just spit out my water all over!

    He just posted a video to his YouTube channel. He’s back. And it’s more disturbing than before.

    • DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
      1 year ago

      Chris Chan drama nonsense.

      TL;DR internet losers hounded a mentally ill person, whose mental illness apparently won’t let them disengage from it all, for two decades.

      They, for God knows what reason, probably the mental illness thing, say after being trolled relentlessly that they sexually assaulted their elderly mother.

      Person gets arrested, because obviously, case is dismissed after investigation, because obviously, losers on the Internet keep hounding them about it anyways, because obviously.

      There are people that belong in prison for this decades long disgusting proof of God’s demise, but I doubt it’s the mentally ill person.

      • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️@7.62x54r.ru
        1 year ago

        The trolls stalkers involved are very likely the reason why they got off. No doubt they’ll never admit this to themselves. When you have obsessive mentally ill stalkers perpetually targeting someone like this, it becomes incredibly easy for the defense to argue that all the evidence was fabricated by obsessive losers.

        • DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
          1 year ago

          Mentally ill people can be convinced to say damn near anything. This shouldn’t be hard to understand.

          The case was dismissed because the evidence was fabricated. By everyone, including Chris Chan saying crazy shit on the Internet after being goaded by their “friends.”

          • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️@7.62x54r.ru
            1 year ago

            Even if it wasn’t fabricated, the obsessive stalking would make it incredibly hard even for real evidence to be convincing.

            Their parents should have taken away their access to the internet long ago. According to Muta, they was able to recently get a sympathetic fan base to buy merch and provide crowd funding, which was positive. Of course, Chris wouldn’t have this level of infamy if they had their internet access shut off long ago.

            I don’t know if Chris’s family has enough money to put them in a group home for the rest of their life, but that’s where they belong and they should permanently lose internet access.

          • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            The evidence was not fabricated, Chris was not formally charged until AFTER his mother was taken to the hospital and medical tests were done on her. Additionally Chris admitted to the deed, claiming it was done to “heal her through soul bonding”

            The case was dismissed because Chris had spent two years awaiting trial, but the sentence for misdemeanor incest in the state of Virginia is only about a year, meaning even if he was found guilty he’d have gotten “Time Served” so it was easier for the state to just drop the charges.

            Why did Chris spend two years awaiting trial? Court kept demanding test after test on Chris, as no one was sure that Chris was even competent to stand trial.

      • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2@lemmy.worldOP
        1 year ago

        Is obvious the new ashtually the amount of times you say obviously 🤓🤓. And you also don’t say why the case was dismissed.i do agree that the people hounding Chris chan were making things way worse but he also brought this on himself even if he wasnt in the right mental state at the time he still knows right from wrong hes a 30 something year old woman whom is capable taking care of themselves and even driving a automobile . I’m hoping the caretakers/company at the halfway house that Chris is in caughton to his new uploads and installs an Internet firewall so that he has limited Internet access it’s generally for the best that Chris he has limited Internet access

        • andros_rex@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I used to volunteer with special needs adults. I have listened to a seemingly normal thirty something year old man explain that God was a translucent Shrek made out of Flubber, in full earnest. They had the exact same speaking patterns as Chris Chan. I’m sure if they had shitty parents and unrestricted internet access, 4chan trolls could convince them of a lot of shit.

          Bullying a delusional and disabled person is not okay. Dedicating entire websites to bullying that person for 20 years is evil. You can contort yourself in circles trying to justify it, but what has been done to Chris Chan is horrendous harassment. Chris Chan needed to be in a care facility with no access to the internet twenty years ago.

          Lord knows how the internet would have destroyed Daniel Johnston.

          • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2@lemmy.worldOP
            1 year ago

            I think I worded things wrong I agree with this sentiment you’ve put it better then I ever could I think Chris chan should of been put into a halfway house or care home years ago and given the proper care and support that he needs prehaps when he settles into said halfway house his caretakers could encourage him to do stuff in his local community attend events or volunteer etc so he’ll be occupied and hopefully make lifelong friends

            I think most of the people whom were trolling Chris chan were in the wrong in this situation so those people directly messaging him encouraging him to do bad things

          • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2@lemmy.worldOP
            1 year ago

            I’m not mad? Nor am I angry at what point during my messages did I appear mad angry or otherwise upset I’m just a goofy goober on the Internet I do think I did word and portray my point quite poorly I’m not exactly the best at grammar