If you’ve used one on your face, then You Know.
If you haven’t, give it a go! You can remove a whole carpet’s worth of hair in one swipe, with less irritation and super close. It’s not as scary as it looks!
I’m a big fan of my safety razor, though, now that I have softer skin, it’s way harder to avoid razor burn
I’m a hoe for safety razors too
I’ve considered buying one of these, and holy fuck, everything is branded so ridiculously manly.
And when I say manly, I mean the opposite of manly, of course. The no self-esteem version. Where a minimum of three animals need to have died for a product. And where you’re never quite sure, if you’re actually buying a shaving razor, because all the models look like they would never shave their magnificent beard.
Made me bounce off of that pretty damn quickly…