So, let’s keep it simple to start.

How have you been? Where are you in your journey?

I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster of sorts for a while but we won’t get into that.

I’ve just hit 6mo on HRT and last week I learned…

drumroll please

I finally love myself! Something that has taken me 30 years to learn to do. And that final piece of the puzzle was to embrace myself as Olivia ❤️

So, how have you been? What’s on your mind?

  • O✌🏻
    • oNevia@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      2 months ago

      It’s really fucking hard and seems to be person dependent. For me, self care helps a great deal. Trying to be as put together as I can helps me feel like there is less for me to focus on and nitpick.

      I can’t go into a weird dysphoria spiral because I haven’t shaved my face in a few days if I shaved last night for example.

      Finding friends and staying in touch with them has been very important for me. Especially those that don’t fall into the codependent habits I’ve always been susceptible to. I’ve learned what healthier boundaries look like just by having friends that naturally have them in place and being open to why they have them in place.

      Therapy is also a huge one. I’ve learned that I need to prioritize my own health and happiness above others. Something I would always neglect until I was past burnt out and in the more serious side of despair.

      And finally, learning to stop comparing myself to how I want to be. Learning to be happy with where I am right now on my journey vs why I’m not where I want to be.

      It’s a long difficult journey, and I had to do each bit in steps. I’m still not where I’d like to be (but not upset with myself for not being there yet 😉) and have learned that everything in life is a journey or transition. Have to embrace it a day at a time the best you can and don’t beat yourself up for having bad days/weeks/months/years

      Good luck ❤️

        2 months ago

        Ah, those are good tips, thank you!

        I’ve been learning the “not shaving causes dysphoria” lesson the hard way. Sometimes it feels like self-care to relax when I don’t have to be in public and I can avoid looking in the mirror, etc. - but inevitably I do see a mirror and not shaving even the small amount of hair left makes me dysphoric in ways I don’t even fully understand or immediately recognize.

        In the past I have had a hard time motivating self-care, it’s like I need to work on the meta-level issues to get to the point where I can more easily motivate taking the actions you list here.

        Thank you again for the response! ❤️