• purplepuppy
    5 months ago

    They realesed the fact that the main repblican candidate is placed there by Clinton campaign. No republican will like the fact that Trump is placed there by them. Whether wikileaks are good guys or not, doesn’t matter, they are not politicians, we don’t vote for them and they don’t live from peoples opinions. Assange being put in jail for simply saying the truth, while so many media legally lie, is very unjust however and there is no sense in not fighting for their civil rights even if we don’t like them. Because their civil rights are our civil rights. And their publications gave us, the people, crucial information about the system we live in.

    The main point of that leak is not Clinton is bad, vote for Trump, as democrats like to frame it. The point is that voting for Clinton is voting for tactics that get her in power, which is to promote Trump. So voting for Clinton, is a vote for Trump. Because as selfish and stupid as republicans (and democrats) are, they would have a better more center candidate if clinton campaign didn’t support Trump.

    You have to see that whoever you vote for, you are voting for both the worst republicans and worst democrats. The system is directly connected between the two, because they fund each other to bring out the worst, so they can win easier. It is pointless to vote for these candidates. You vote against Trump, but then your vote goes to person who is the main donor for Trump. That is the system that WIkileaks exposed and that anybody with honest intentions would get from their publication.