Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2022

  • Instructions unclear, got shitfaced at a county fair and started yelling at carnies for keeping goldfish in tiny bowls and giving out what is essentially a 17-inch carp species that lives for 45 years to small children as prizes when instead of being allowed to flourish into the gravel-dredging pond monsters that they truly are, they are instead forced experience a slow, agonizing death as their internal organs outgrow their skeletal structures due to cramped conditions and poor water filtration

  • I remember watching the Crying Game

    Big oof, jokes about that film (and the ending to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, which is itself a lazy Crying Game reference) are about the level of exposure that I had growing up. And maybe Silence of the Lambs. Not exactly ringing endorsements of embracing one’s non-cisgendered identity, lol

    I remember from around age 5 or 6 always wanting to grow out my hair, but my mom and grandparents always threatened me: if I ever actually did it, my uncles would hold me down and shave my head. When I was 12, my mom actually did completely shave my head in the summer in a misguided attempt to treat a chronic skin condition. Someone got me on video tape back then, and I absolutely could not recognize myself in the video footage that they shot at whatever family gathering that was. It was to the point where hearing my own voice come out of that was enough to make me feel physically ill.

    As for that little kid, he’s the son of a CHUD from a CHUD part of a mostly-CHUD town in a CHUD state that is among the worst in the nation for LGBTQ rights, anti-trans legislation, and hate crimes. I expect absolutely nothing, and yet I am still disappointed. I really need to get myself and my family out of here.

  • I had “the realization” when I was about 40, and then started dabbling in DIY HRT when I was 41 and had to go back off of it within about three months because of health issues. I went back on DIY (via a less problematic approach) just before I turned 43, and I’ve been at it ever since. Since then, I have definitely developed femme waist/hip/chest proportions compared to before, but body hair growth is as bad as ever, and home IPL zappers only do so much. Ravages of testosterone exposure, I guess.

    I still present as masc because I don’t feel safe to come out publicly while living where I do; I absolutely do not want to jeopardize my job or get assaulted by local CHUDs. Apparently the baggy t-shirt + MILF jeans combo isn’t cutting it anymore though, because I may have been clocked by a 7 year old. It’s possible that the little shit has just never seen an aging metalhead with long hair, but it’s still pretty fucking jarring when a kid just looks at you and blurts out, “ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?” before hearing your voice.

    Wall 'o Text/disjointed infodump

    I wish I had the awareness that kids nowadays get, but back in my day (at least where I lived), trans literally wasn’t a thing. We had no language or conception of it. In fact, I’m remembering now that when I came out to my wife while bawling, I kept repeating, “I just didn’t know we could do this [transition]” >.>

    This is my experience to a T. A large part of it was never possessing the vocabulary to articulate what I felt deep down, but I think some of it was also quite literally beaten out of me by my teenage uncles when I was little. It got to the point that I hid those thoughts and images from myself and buried them so deep that it took decades to de-program that latent trauma response.

    Maybe it’s the [extremely probable] undiagnosed autism/AuDHD, but I was always an outcast as a kid, was constantly bullied, and never felt comfortable around the overwhelming majority of boys in my age group. That said, I really don’t feel like I ever fit the mold of the “I ALWAYS KNEW I WAS A LIL’ GIRL TRAPPED IN A MALE BODY” stereotype that medical gatekeepers treated as a requirement back in the 80s, 90s, and 00s, so it’s not like I could have medically transitioned or even gotten on puberty blockers if I had possessed the vocabulary. (And if your lived experience meshes with that “stereotype,” that’s fine! You’re valid!) All I knew at the time was that I always felt a little “off” and, after puberty, always had this low-level sense of being grossed out by my own body.

    Looking back, I wonder if it would have changed anything if I had known why I always felt so out of place and why I had so many self-destructive and self-sabotaging impulses well into my 30s, or if it would have been a case of being able to identify the issue with no path available toward resolving it. That being said, even just getting on HRT the past several years has done me a world of good psychologically. I can look in the mirror without disassociating, so that’s something.

    I definitely vibe with the stuff about agonizing over picking out eyeglasses, but I’d like to add another: hair styles for the low-key boymoder, and learning to love your frizzy gray streaks.

  • Nice; sounds about right. I only brought it up because it’s something I haven’t seen mentioned in the other threads about the film – I read a lot of overlap between dysphoric malaise and autistic burnout with the way that Smith plays the character, at least in the first third or so of the movie, which is appropriate because of how many of us (myself included) are ND and, in a lot of cases, on the spectrum. I also posted that comment like 10 minutes before the dysphoria narrative went from “vague symbolism” to “blatantly obvious.”

    I can confirm, though: if you just got out of the spiral of loneliness, depression, and denial, it is a hard fucking watch. 8 hours later, and quite honestly, I still feel enraged by it.

    mild spoilers?

    I keep wanting to throw around phrases like “the Charlie Brown of gender questioners” or “what if Neo took the blue pill in The Matrix” or “what if Atreyu/Bastian just rolled over and let the Nothing destroy any and all semblance of hope” or “House of 1,000 Corpses-ass ending, but psychological.”

    And I’m enraged by the notion that it’s too late to burn away the facade and be true to yourself once you’re in your early 40s because fuck you, life isn’t over yet and you know it – stand up and fight, or you will die a hollowed-out husk. The writer/director knows this, and decided to go the [psychological] “torture porn” route with it.