• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s difficult to defend the idea that Biden has been trying to end the genocide. He’s had that power from day 1. If you give Israel a bullet, you have solid awareness that there is a good chance it will be used against a non-combatant. That’s hard reality. If Biden was not supportive of genocide he would place an embargo on the weapons being poured into the massacre. He also wouldn’t sanction the ICC when they attempted to call out the primary actors in the genocide. He has given enabling support to the campaign in multiple ways.

    Biden is not a good man as he is portrayed, he is complex obviously, but the reality is that Hitler still petted his dog and was nice to his friends and family. Biden should be joining Netanyahu at the Hague, not sabotaging democracy by being virtually un-electable while at the same time working to make it even more obvious that the international order is only there to punish certain war criminals.

    Anyway, I think the take is pretty on point.

  • While he obviously didn’t decide on the strategy of genocide being pursued by the Israeli state, it is very disingenuous to say he hasn’t provided important political, economic, and material support for Israel. It has been rough watching America from next door. I have always understood that MAGA is unable to confront the reality of Trumps profound insuitability for public office, or general public interaction. It’s rough seeing that there is a similar level of intentional blindness on the other side as well. It may well be that voting for Biden is a grim necessity to slow the descent into dictatorship, but honestly, pretending his role as an enabler for genocide isn’t obvious, is pretty foolish.

  • It is definitely true that the numbers are unlikely to be exact. That is both for the reasons others have noted, propaganda is definitely at play on both sides of any conflict. A second reason for the likely imprecise number though, is that many casualties are probably uncountable currently as numerous buildings have collapsed under bombardment. Fully surveying those sites for bodies is difficult with continuing combat in the area. We know the buildings are destroyed due to surveillance and other intelligence sources, but can’t yet know how many people were killed and injured during the destruction.

    There are also reasons that the UN and other international organisations take the figures seriously. This is primarily because of historical accuracy, this is not the first occasion of strikes in the area and surveys in the aftermath of previous incidents have generally shown reasonable reporting accuracy from the Gazan health authority. Additionally there are other international organisations on the ground and reporting corroborating evidence of mass collateral casualties. UNICEF has supported the reporting on the 3700 children killed so far, inclusive of civilians on both sides. Recently Doctors Without Borders here in Canada issued a plea to our government, based on their presence in Gaza, calling for ceasefire directly because of the unreasonably high number of collateral casualties.

    At this juncture it doesn’t seem likely that the numbers are precise, but even a much more conservative estimate would be quite shocking and aligns with action in the Syrian civil war (for example) much more than with action in western invasions or Ukraine. That suggests that, at the very least, insufficient effort is being put toward limitation of collateral casualties. It’s also important to remember that while the three-to-one rule of casualties in war is very loose, we are likely looking at much higher numbers of wounded than killed. That is badly complicated by the blockades, lack of power and water, as well as current military operations against the remaining hospitals in the area.

    Just my thoughts, not an expert.

  • Israel is making things difficult. The number of civilians killed is 10000+, that’s very uncomfortable for our governments. It’s also not like our countries can just quickly say, “whoa, those are blatant war crimes you’re committing with our weapons!” It’s impossible to pretend that we couldn’t know what the IDF would do with them based on the ongoing history of the conflict. In the end it’s a situation similar to Yemen, Iran and some others feed support into one side and atrocities are committed. The west feeds weapons into the other side and atrocities are committed. At this point the only thing that makes our ethical situation tenable is if everyone would just ignore it. Hence, no protesting please, you’re pointing out some deeply shameful policy, please stop.

  • I am using Nobara, which is a Fedora based gaming distro. I definitely do not have to reboot for updates to software outside of system updates to the OS specifically. Updating Discord, Firefox, Steam, Heroic Launcher, Signal, etc does not require a reboot. Something sounds amiss. I am running straight Fedora on my Surface Pro and same story there, basically restart for system upgrades only.

  • I am, yes. Are you referring to the disappearing mouse cursor thing, because that’s really annoying, but I hadn’t seen any mention of it being linked to Nvidia. It seemed more Proton related. I tried several fixes I found and none worked. There was a few suggestions to switch to XOrg (?) But when I tried that I was locked at 60fps and couldn’t use VRR.

    Anyways, I’d say that’s been my most frustrating issue.