• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Snow? Realllllyyyy depends on where in the state

    Western Washington gets almost none, and you’ve got the whole I5 corridor to move to. Vancouver is the biggest city with the most affordable housing ratio. Not that it’s an oddly deep red district which is counter intuitive considering its size and proximity to Portland.

    Bellingham up near the border is next in line, but it’s smaller and further from city activities.

    Tacoma and Olympia are both cities that Seattleites are starting to move to despite the commute due to more affordable housing.

    Then there’s Everett, the home of Boeing and about 25 miles north of Seattle. Cheaper than Seattle and has reasonable access to Seattle or to head north to the border. Still expect to pay 600k plus for a house though.

    Lastly there’s everything between. It’s all small towns, rural areas, trees, and hills. The spot about smack dab between Tacoma and Portland gets more snow than most of the west side of the state, so maybe not for you. But the rest is good. And these places will all be cheap as hell to buy in. You just won’t have city amenities.

  • I see it all over lemmy where a few, usually new or very young accounts, will pile on me making the same arguments. My favorite one right now is that ‘Biden has done nothing to get marijuana rescheduled’ to which I point to the fact that the decision is currently sitting with the DEA, the group that decides what is in the schedule and where. The response? ‘It’s not done yet so Biden hasn’t done anything’. And because I, a rando on the internet, can’t clairvoyantly say when it will be rescheduled, then it’s not real.

    It’s such an asinine argument and I got piled by several accounts with it telling me it’s probably the same chud trying to increase their influence by making it seem like people agree with them.