Transfem | she/her | professional keyboard operator | old

All the cool kids hang out at Ten Forward

Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Sure! Note that everybody’s different, so what works for one person may not work for another. The following is based on what works for me.

    • Have you been prescribed meds? Take ‘em. If you were prescribed Adderall, Vyvanse, or their generic equivalents to address the “inattentive” type of ADHD (like me): they are classified as stimulants and you can only get a month’ s worth at a time (assuming you’re in the U.S.), so set a recurring alarm on your phone so you don’t forget to call in a refill or do it online. Put your local pharmacy’s phone number and address in your phone, and take note of other pharmacies in the area in case there’s a shortage (which is a thing nowadays). You are gonna have to advocate for yourself if they are out of stock, so get used to the idea that you may have to call and ask the pharmacy for the generic equivalent or other locations that do have it in stock. Side note: if you don’t have insurance, GoodRx might be worth a look.

    • If you get overwhelmed easily, do whatever is necessary to make yourself comfortable and eliminate distractions so you can focus. Music is good. Disabling phone notifications during work hours might help. Interruptions suck, especially if your task requires intense concentration, so don’t let them disrupt your shit.

    • Keeping track of tasks and deadlines will help you stay organized and feel more in control, so get in the habit of checking and updating your calendar (and/or task management app or text editor, whatever) every morning so you don’t get caught off guard by stuff that is already planned. I know, everyone says make a list, which is cliche and doesn’t always work for everyone, so find what works for you. Think of it as doing your future self a favor. You’ll be grateful for past you looking out for you.

    • Take a break once in a while. You might want to set an alarm for that. Step away from the computer and get some fresh air or something. Meditate or do breathing/grounding exercises if that works for you. You aren’t a machine, and you really gotta be kind to yourself and remember that you have human limits. Taking a break is crucial, especially if you are hyper-focused on something and can’t make progress; it’s just gonna frustrate you more if you force yourself to spin your wheels, so be kind to yourself. For real, sometimes allowing your brain to relax can help when you get back to the task. Sometimes things fall into place when you look at them with fresh eyes.

    Anyway. Sorry for the bigass bullet point blocks of text. I hope none of that came across as obvious, cliche, or old person condescending, but that is what works for me. It sucks that you have to deal with this and that you have to put in extra effort just to function in everyday life… believe me, I empathize with you. It can be a fuckin struggle. But the truth is, you can’t control everything, so address the things that you can control. Do your future self a favor…identify the things that mess you up and find ways to work around them. And be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

    I sincerely hope that helps. Feel free to reply with questions or vent if you need to, or DM me.

  • It’s rare, but you ain’t alone. Man, I feel your pain. This happened to me, too, in the 80s. I was undiagnosed ADHD, which was never suspected because at the time it was just “ADD” and I wasn’t hyperactive. I had a lot of difficulty focusing, which affected my ability to learn and got me labeled – yep, how’d you guess? – “lazy” unanimously by all the adults in my life. I still got excellent grades most of the time, which just reinforced the lazy theory.

    But wait, it got worse! I hit a wall academically when we started learning more advanced stuff and I wasn’t able to brute-force my way into A’s and B’s, and so I immersed myself in art (as a way to cope, I’m now realizing in hindsight), graduated in the bottom quarter of a prestigious prep school, and graduated 5 yrs later from college with an art degree. And I didn’t know what to do with my life, so I went back! For a second art degree! And I nearly flunked out again and had to reapply and finally graduated again…jfc, this is exhausting having to recount, haha…anyway, fast forward a lot and guess what? Now I’m a programmer. Web developer, specifically.

    Never went for the CS degree. I wanted to, but I honestly thought I was stupid and utterly incapable of handling the curriculum - especially the math - so I wrote off that career path entirely. Like, I never gave myself a chance. I’m finally where I feel like I should be, but it took so long to get here, ya know? I wish I knew when I was younger that I wasn’t stupid.

  • I picked up Tekworld #1 eons ago, back when I was a young voracious comic book collector and would buy anything off the “New” shelf. I never bothered to read it…I figured it couldn’t be worse than TJ Hooker, but it appears I was terribly mistaken. I’m sorry I contributed to this shitty franchise, I thought it would be worth a fortune when I got old (it’s not).

    Also, wrt:

    I’m not sure how thankful I should be that someone made William Shatner’s TekWar more accessible to me, but at least I didn’t struggle with PGUP and PGDN to move my virtual neck.

    Yeah, thank your lucky stars that gaming with a mouse became a fuckin thing, because hitting PGUP and PGDN to pan up & down sucked back then too.

  • Zip drives were a must have for graphic design students in its heyday. They were relatively affordable (around $150 USD for the drive, $10 per disk iirc) and had a capacity of 100 Megabytes per disk, which was sorta shitty for removable storage even then but good enough for design project assets. There was little else commercially available at the time that was affordable and allowed you to easily port files between home/work/school, so they were everywhere in certain circles in the late 90s, particularly in design.

    They were flimsy and unfortunately kinda unreliable, though, so if you heard the dreaded “click of death,” it meant your disk was hosed. They eventually started selling 250 MB drives, and I remember there was the “Jaz” drive whose disks could hold 1 GB, but by then I think people were just done with Iomega’s shit. I didn’t know anyone that owned a frickin Jaz drive. When USB thumb drives became a thing around the turn of the millennium, Zip drives pretty much disappeared overnight. Good fuckin riddance, they sucked.

  • Tankies are not really leftists. They are conservatives who call themselves leftists. They are engaging in modern propaganda.

    I wish more people realized this. They are bad faith actors who exist solely to disrupt and recruit. What I find particularly reprehensible about the Hexbear playbook is they appeal to the most disenfranchised part of the LGBTQ+ community and take advantage of their rage by giving them a target…not coincidentally, the same way the public face of the right wing panders to rural white men. Hexbear is queer-friendly and does offer a safe space, but they don’t actually discuss, much fight for the rights of the queer community in any way. They give them anti-west talking points, wind them up, and send them out into the world, but they don’t actually give a shit about their recruits’ queer existence; they’re just a tool to be used. It just sucks to see, for a number of reasons.