notceps [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021

  • I don’t disagree with you because you are wrong I disagree because it hurts because I like Truenamers so much they got a great concept and just overall cohesion that I enjoy like, ‘oh yeah speak this word to speed something up, speak it backwards to slow someone down’, what I’m saying that class has greatness its just yeah…

    I guess the weaker classes would be stuff like NPC classes I don’t know if Truenamers could win again 3.5e CW Samurais to be honest depends on what level and equipment but it might actually be close depending on who wins initiative.

  • smdh you’d doom the world by never exporting the revolution, Trotsky would slap you if he could but alas he was eaten by a frenchman

    Really though obviously try to stay out of the other european powers plays so you can go in grab stuff and get out is what will fuel your future economy which in turn will grow your economy much faster which in turn will improve peoples living standard, like I had the highest at 27 with the second highest being the CSA at 25 and the one after only having 20 SoL

  • Infamy is always ticking down so if you aren’t constantly going to war and taking stuff then what are you doing? Also one big thing it is very easy to get extra stuff as Russia while having your hands in every pot you have a big army and the european powers now this so they are always willing to give you a little something, another thing is that I have a few of my protectorates revolt and I think the devs messed up somewhere because when they want to declare independence taking their provinces is extremely cheap, I think it should’ve been something like a quarter of the actual cost but it seemed more like a tenth so.

  • OSCE had a mission through the entire period 2014-2022 as observers and released daily reports of the region together with ceasefire violations so we can find it for pretty much any day online like this one from 2022-02-03, and you can look up others here.

    I can’t find it anymore but there was a video floating around of Zelensky inspecting the troops and telling them to stop attacking the DNR and the soldiers telling him straight up no. Although I can’t find that video you can look at the election results from 2019, Zelensky ran on a platform of brokering a peace calming tensions with ethnic russians and general prosperity which is why Poroshenko accused Zelenski of selling out to Russia. A ton of people in eastern ukraine wanted things to calm down and that’s why he got the most votes there, but the military and the neo-nazi paramilitaries kept on doing their thing and here we are.

  • Who is this we? And why are you so sure? I’m not saying you are some guy working for the government I’m just saying you are making shit up and read too much of OSINT twitter so you feel ‘in the know’. You don’t know what intel is being gathered, if that intel even gets out or not. Like why should the US feel compelled to share with Ukraine? Because they are on the same side? From the few statements they seem more interested in using the war to pay off the MIC similar to Afghanistan and it doesn’t seem like any intel was gained over a 20 year period.

  • Sure I’ll bite, competition is incredibly hard to attain so hard in fact that it doesn’t exist in the real world.

    For one I’ll say that when we talk about competition should have the following elements:

    No competitor has a large market share (A large marketshare would help them influence prices which they can use to drive out other competitors taking their market share) Almost no barrier to enter and exit the competition Consumers have perfect information

    Now ignoring that ‘competitors’ will activly try to destroy perfect competitions to go for higher profits why do even consumers not want competition? Economies of Scale

    In order to have perfect competition you need an ‘excess’ of competitors. So think 100 furniture factories when 10 could do that work, every factory needs to figure out their own logistics, sale and management, this means that the state of competition is less efficient than a state that is closer to a monopoly/duopoly/oligopoly with several larger companies, even if those companies suck.

    This is also of course ignoring natural monopolies aka utilities.

  • You are a german NEET go outside, maybe when you spend some time among real life people you can get your priorities straight like instead of arguing with the scary putin-bot tankies online you can figure some way to organize so that the AfD, that’s the fascist party in case you forgot, doesn’t poll in second place. Unless you yourself aren’t a NEET but a fascist and want the AfD to ‘Take back Germany’ in which case fuck off.

  • Because I truly believe that war is horrible the hundreds of thousands of lives lost in this war is a human tragedy, working people all over the world have to deal with the fallout of this war with rising energy costs and higher foodprices which certainly also caused the deaths of people, meanwhile this war is used in many western countries to push extreme austerity which will lessen the quality of life at best.

    This war and all wars are a human tragedy, and at the start of it I certainly wasn’t in Russias corner and I’m still not but I have lost all sympathy for Ukraine and the West because not only have there been many off ramps for Ukraine to end this conflict but western politicians have contributed to this misery. They’ve contributed to the deaths of so many lives. People like Boris Johnson that sabotaged the peace talks, Biden that keeps on sending more and more weapon over there so more and more people can die. I’ve since stopped looking at how much money they’ve given but around spring it was 100bn USD which would’ve been enough to combat world hunger for 3 years. Ukranian officials like yes Zelensky who is a clown that personally doesn’t suffer from this and uses it to push his own persona and does a cool photoshoot in his sick operator outfit.

    Ukraine has not approached the negotiating table in any serious manner because they insist on demanding everything back including Crimea, which just won’t happen especially not in this position, so the ukranian leadership is happy to get some money from the west so they order people like you and me to walk into artillery fire or into landmines not for any reason because there haven’t been any real gains but just because that’s how the money is flowing in.

    Ukraine totally could negotiate a peace it would be incredibly easy because Putin seems eager to want to negotiate but what Ukraine wants isn’t a restoration of the border situation before the war they want Crimea as well, they are not serious about peace and everyone knows it, Ukraine will never surrender and so the only thing that can stop this senseless war is when the endless amount of money flowing into Ukraine stops or when the people of Ukraine have had enough of their bloodthirsty corrupt leadership and overthrow them.

    Edit: Also sorry but quite a few people from other instances literally say fascist shit that reminds me of rhetoric that was used during the conflicts in Yugoslavia and we all know how that turned out, calling russian ethnicities in Ukraine ‘occupiers’ is surely not going to lead to violence towards that group.