Maybe you should google how to think for yourself, mother fucker

*I’m not talking about MMOs by the way, y’all don’t wanna see my fully unhinged, a-guy - tier rant about that fundamentally misguided genre of WoW-clones







I’m going through a terrible time and am feeling compelled to share my aggressive thoughts angery

Meta-gaming is a fucking blight, death to America


  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    4 months ago

    We had one of those minmax guys at a call of Cthulhu table once and the keeper grinned widely every time he tried to shoot at the unspeakable horrors. If anything being the big musclehead with a revolver did save our asses in some hot chases against mermen and when i was busy turning half my body into tentacles. By the end of it he was having fun too, and being a minmaxing asshole actually meant he was roleplaying his character. Just because combat isn’t the be-all and-all and can only solve minor problems when you deal with the eldritch. So when shooting was the answer he would have us covered and when it wasn’t he would just get us into trouble just like any good himbo would.

    Having the guy specifically at the table, after some bad experiences with DnD really opened my eyes that you CAN actually make lemonade out of lemons if the rules themselves allow for it.