Look right, I like a lot of things about the foundational 2007 text Whipping Girl by Julia Serano. But if you’ve ever been told to read this book without any qualifiers, I’d like to apologise on behalf of the trans community.


Obviously the concepts of traditional and oppositional sexism, the idea of transmisogyny, Serano’s analysis of media depictions of trans women, and more are all superb and well worthy of praise. However, Serano is a land of contrasts, as AcidSmiley so concisely put it. She’s read both Leslie Feinberg and Kate Bornstein’s works, and writes this extremely salient quote:

We must also stop pretending that there are essential differences between women and men. This begins with the acknowledgement that there are exceptions to every gender rule and stereotype, and this simply stated fact disproves all gender theories that purport that female and male are mutually exclusive categories.

Despite all that, Serano has a perspective that’s utterly mired in exorsexist* binary-only assumptions, with language to match. On own, describing someone taking estrogen as “hormonally female” or her body prior to hormone replacement therapy as “physically male” would be unpleasantly cisnormative, but just that. I respect fully that the intent of this book is to analyse the ins and outs of being trans in the gender binary, and so the text is focused in that direction. When Serano writes goofy shit like “mtf spectrum” though, you wonder if she wouldn’t be better served by thinking a little outside of the two-genders box.

She doesn’t want to, though; Julia Serano circa 2007 (the text has not been meaningfully updated to my knowledge) is a brave warrior going against the grain of non binary domination :citation to defend our poor, repressed binary genders. She’s taking down those woke non-binary moralists from their ivory towers:

There are many different (but often overlapping) forms of gender entitlement and gender anxiety. For example, one of the most frequently discussed forms of gender entitlement is heterosexism, the belief that heterosexuality is the only “natural,” legitimate, or morally acceptable form of sexual desire. Heterosexist gender entitlement ean lead to homophobia, which is an expression of gender anxiety directed against those people who engage in same-sex relationships. Similarly, the gender-entitled belief that all women are (or should be) feminine and men masculine-which some have called cisgenderism-gives rise to transphobia, a gender anxiety that is directed against people who fall outside of those norms. While homophobia and transphobia have both received mainstream attention, thinking in terms of gender entitlement and gender anxiety also allows us to consider less well- known (but just as disparaging) forms of gender and sexual discrimination. For example, many gays and lesbians who believe that all people are “naturally” either homosexual or heterosexual often express biphobia, a gender anxiety directed toward bisexual people because they challenge the presumption that people can only be attracted to one sex or the other. I have also met some people in the transgender community who feel that identifying outside of the male/female binary is superior to, or more enlightened than, identifying within it. Such people often express gender anxiety (binary- phobia?) at people who identify strongly as either female or male.

I would be laughing if I weren’t actually really mad about this classic, foundational transfeminist text featuring tons of brainworms about anyone outside the binary. It’s a punchline, the phrase “binary-phobia” is perfect to sit right next to “heterophobia” or “cisphobia”. It’s right up there alongside white westerners claiming to be victims of racism when someone calls them a cracker, even. It should be plainly self-evident how ridiculous a claim this is. I want to ask Serano circa 2007 to tell me which genders have legal recognition - binary or non-binary ones?

It is truly incredible that a woman can write so sharply about the cultural/societal hedgemony of cis gender and heterosexuality, about how the concept of anything being inherently gendered is antithetical to feminism, and then turn around and write a deeply unserious aside about how non-binary people are apparently smug moralists commiting discrimination against people of binary gender due to the same gender anxiety**–in itself a smart concept about how queer people disrupt assumed gender/sexual normality–that drives cis people to be transphobes!! I am for real left somewhat speechless.

I don’t think Whipping Girl is a book nobody should read, obviously. But I scoured the bearsite to see if anyone had dome criticism of or even qualified their recommendation of Whipping Girl, and I found nothing. Part of me wonders if anyone has made a concerted criticism of this book before, but surely someone has before me. I yap exclusively for your benefit! I wonder if Sexed Up or Excluded are better, but frankly I’m just disappointed and angry. Truly a joke.

*Exorsexist, I learned today, is discrimination against people outside the gender binary!

**Serano describes gender anxiety as “the act of becoming irrationally upset or being made uncomfortable by the existence of those people who challenge or bring into question one’s gender entitlement.” In turn, she describes gender entitlement being “an arrogant conviction that one’s own beliefs, perceptions, and assumptions regarding gender and sexuality are more valid than those of other people”. She is more or less insinuating that non-binary people are befuddled supremacists who cannot stand… adherence to the gender binary. Cool.

  • Angel [any]@hexbear.netM
    4 days ago

    I have, on very rare occasions, seen the “being binary trans reinforces the oppressive forces of the gender binary” take before, so I don’t entirely doubt what you’re saying. However, at this point and from what I know, I found that internalizing the transmedicalist and truscum brainworms that plague the trans community even more harshly than this fringe you’re concerned about is what prevented me from being myself.

    Gender abolitionism gets strawmanned a ton. Yes, there are TERFs who do reactionary co-opting of the concept, but most non-binary/trans people you interact with who believe in gender abolitionism are not trying to demonize those who identify with being a binary trans person.

    I am transfeminine myself, so this may differ from what you have to say about “TME non-binary people,” but I find that the transmedicalist brainworms that harmed me so damn much and led me down the harshest path of internalized transphobia, as I was already facing a shitton of other kinds of discrimination and hardship, were practically evenly perpetuated by both truscummy trans men and trans women.

    My problem has never been with those of binary identities; it has been with those who need to cling onto some sense of hierarchical domination, so they place enbies beneath them as a way to feel like they’re not the same brand of the “lowest of the low” in society. Enbies are even much less understood than binary trans people, so there are definitely more enbies being harmed by this kind of stuff than one would be harmed by the supposed inverse “enby supremacy” ideology you’re hinting at here.

    Most people, even a lot of trans people, have not freed themselves of their binarist brainworms. The amount of times I’d chat with a trans person online who cannot anonymously pick up on my assigned sex and have them ask, “Are you MTF or FTM?” not even including NB as a possibility in this question (that they don’t even need to ask in the first place) is astronomical. Most cis people and a not so insignificant amount of binary trans people see non-binary people as an afterthought to performatively support in the back of their heads, and those who never learn how to stop the support from being performative will still have those enbyphobic brainworms that are kept alive in both trans spaces and the wider society until they get proper insight and theory into how being trans, binary or non-binary, all undermines the patriarchal, cisheteronormative system in the exact same way.

      • Angel [any]@hexbear.netM
        3 days ago

        There is a difference between the intention of the rhetoric when a TERF makes a statement along these lines and when a person who identifies as a non-binary gender abolitionist makes a statement along these lines. If you’re conflating the two, this response is redundant, as this entire discussion hinges on concerns about the latter specifically.

        Regardless, it’s not acceptable to say that being binary trans is wrong, but that doesn’t mean that these two groups are arguing for that position from the exact same angle.

          • Angel [any]@hexbear.netM
            3 days ago

            She also isn’t saying it about typical TERFs because TERFs are not the ones who typically fit this archetype of being “non-binary supremacists” who have a very targeted hateboner for binary trans people specifically.

            This is a highly fringe idea for anyone in the trans/non-binary community to have. The inverse, which is normalizing binarism and enbyphobia, happens way more often actually. Neither of them are fine, but me saying this is analogous to me condemning both racial essentialist black supremacism and racial essentialist white supremacism.

            It’s the latter of the two that proves itself to be a more material issue that tends to genuinely cause damage to people, whereas the former is just a fringe that is rooted in toxic ideas of scientific racism but is a very rare kind of thought that doesn’t manifest into things like oppressing white people.

            • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]@hexbear.net
              3 days ago

              thank you for saying this. enbyphobia is far more prevalent these days so obviously the critique is valid… anecdotal, but I’ve seen some slightly older trans folks who came up during this time act the most virulently enbyphobic online. (especially talking shit about neos etc.) it’s the reason I had to leave the trueanon discord lol

            • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.net
              3 days ago

              Fully agree, and i’m also dead certain that no TERF who acts less openly transphobic towards nonbinary people would ever do this in good faith, this always comes from a point of secretly misgendering nonbinary people as a queerer version of their AGAB. No cis woman who offers “AFAB only” housing does so because she respects the gender identity of a transmasc nonbinary person, she will always do this because she sees them as nothing but a confused butch.

              And the quoted passage absolutely does not refer to these TERFs, it expressly reads "I have also met some people in the transgender community who feel that identifying outside of the male/female binary is superior to, or more enlightened than, identifying within it. " (emphasis mine)